Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dont write me off just yet

I look at the doctor with questions in my eyes,
I want the truth for once,is it time for goodbyes?

Friends and Family all huddled around my bed,
Grief etched on their faces to see where fate has led!

The usual well-rehearsed lines “everything will be okay”,
I wish they would themselves believe the things that they say.

They think I dont see the tears they push away,
Words fail me;I nod and sigh keeping emotions at bay.

For if the tears start now,I know they’ll never stop,
I’ll lose the strength  I’ve gathered with every passing drop.

Their names I barely remember,here at my beck ‘n’ call,
I want to live;Give me a chance to thank them all.

There is a secret i want them to know,
Its just not my time to go..

I stare into the immeasusable darkness all throughout the night,
Afraid to close my eyes,afraid I’ll never see the light.

I look at the stars;they are beautiful tonight
But I cant join them yet;i still got to fight.

I would never ask for someone’s help;always thought it was beneath me
Someone elses blood flows through my veins,i smile at the irony.

To a selfless deed,so pure and sublime
I owe my every breath,I’m on borrowed time.

The thought makes me feel warm,like there's someone who cares,
Grant me my life today so i can grant someone theirs.

Images of my life flash before my eyes,
I’ve never lived a moment,just a bunch of lies.

I started off as me then somehow lost my way,
Went with the crowd not where my heart lay!

The past is already sold,the future's on rent
Theres something i want from you,gift me the PRESENT!

Never believed in miracles,please prove me wrong
Theres gotto be some hope,I’m still hanging on.

I’m tired of pretending,just want to be me,
Give me a chance to become what I was meant to be!

My purpose remains unfulfilled,You’ve just gotto wait
For then i promise I’ll gladly embrace my fate!

I’ll make it worthwhile let my fate manuveur,
The show’s not over yet,Dont let the curtains lower!

Even as i go i want to be a beautiful sunset,


  1. This is something very different and unique...!
    But excellent work...
    looking forward to many more...:-)

  2. Your poem touched my heart, dil pe lagi... go reach for the stars,

  3. simply Awsme!!!

    'The past is already sold,the future's on rent
    Theres something i want from you,gift me the PRESENT!/

    Khoop bhari line aahe!!!
