Saturday, May 19, 2012

Farewell Fairytale

I look around me,i dont belong here,
I am swept by the crowd; m gripped with fear..

How did I end up like this,no-one seems to know,
Theres no strength in me now,i just let the tears flow..

I look around frantically,say your name like a prayer,
I hear that familiar laugh, and my cheeks flood with color

I turn around to see the face i know best,
 The  face that  seems  to  promise to take care of the rest..

I see that amazed look in your dark familiar eyes,
In a flash you're real;i feel my heartbeat rise!

Everything else seems to blur as we stand in the crowd,
whisper my name once;your silence seems unbearably loud!!

I'm just so nervous,keep tugging at my shirt,
your smile makes me almost forget the way I've been hurt!

For a moment i want to believe that all would be fine,
that once belonged to me would always be mine..

The day etched in my memory when you confirmed my worst fears,
What was i to do??i'd succumbed to my tears..

Day n night your words echo in my head,
but my heart still refuses to believe even a thing that you said~

But I wasnt surprised,I had seen this coming,
We had to face the truth one day,I was tired of running~

Words hurled at each other,each day a battleground
But  wasnt  that to protect what special we'd found?

Were we both wrong,or were we both right I wonder,
But wasnt it worth fighting for,why did you surrender?

For someone who saw the"extra" in ths ordinary me,
the truth my eyes betrayed how could you fail to see?

I just want to hold you ;nothing against you,
for we both are to blame ;it was a chance we blew.

We had something special but then you let go,
all we had to leave behind was our ego!!

What happened to our promises,the beautiful forever?
Now all thats left are your memories to savour..

It was a fairy-tale but not the ending i chose,
your place is by my side,yet today we stand as foes~

Never really imagined that we'd end up this way,
You seem to go still  further away with every passing day!

I thought i knew you best,but I'll have to start anew,
For Ive realised I can bring out not just the best but also the worst in you!

The colours you painted my life with,are here to stay,
Cauz the most turbulent of rains cant wash them away..~

We arent to be measured in years but by our infinite moments,
All wrapped up and kept safe like beautiful presents..

But wasnt it worth giving another chance?
Didnt I have the right to ask for one last dance?

I miss you like hell,i know you feel the same,
so lets just stop playing the "i dont care" game..

I'd won you over only to lose myself now,
Who was i believe u'd think back on your vow?

So much to say,but all i manage is a smile,
In a matter of seconds we seem to have travelled a mile..

You nod politely.then turn to walk away,
Pride holds  me back from asking you to stay..

I turn to return to the mundane.yet i smile through a sigh,
For somewhere i know this isnt the final goodbye..!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

For my 12th std friends..This poem is dedicated to the 2 lessons in chemistry we all leave!!

F block म्हणतो D block ला आपल्याला का सगळे सोडतात?
मुले सर्व आपल्या पासून का मुह मोडतात?
D block म्हणतो खरतर मी नाहीये इतका अवघड,
पण पाठ एवढा करायची नको असते मुलांना भानगड!
F Block म्हणतो मुला समाझतात खूपच "बोर",
वाटते त्यांना माझ्हाशिवाय पण ते करू शकतील स्कोर!
Textbook  चा  आपल्या पानांना हाथ न लागला कधी,
क्लास्सेस चा आपल्या नोटस न मुला समझ्तात रद्दी!
थोड्या वर्शनी आपले अस्तित्व text मधून कापतील,
किंवा text मध्ये नवा समोर "option "  असेच छापतील !!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Should we have the Board exam as well as the CET??We all have something to say about this,dont we?Well,heres what the Board exam and Cet have to say to each other..

बो-यशाची पायरी नाही झालोय मी अडथला,
आज माझे  नाव ऐकून मुलांचा पोटात येई ना कळा.

सी - निबंधासारखी ती उत्तर मुला करतात बिचारी,
अभ्यासाबरोबर ३ तास बसायची पण त्यांना करावी लागते तयारी !

बो-मुलांचा भविष्य ठरवायचा तुला दिलाय कोणी हक्क?
१०० प्रश्न कसा ठरवणार मुलगा हुशार आहे कि मक्ख?

सी- Textbook घोकून पण मुलगा येऊ शकतो बोर्डात पहिला
मुलांची योग्यता ठरवण्यात म्हणून तू मागे राहिला!

बो-मोठे स्वप्न बघायची देत आहेसका त्यांना शिक्षा?
१ मिनिटाचा आत गणित सोडव हि कसली अपेक्षा?

 सी- sms चा पिढीत सगळे झले नाही का फास्ट?
Concepts असतील क्लीअर तर मुला राहू शकतात बिनधास्त 

बो-तुझ्हा परीक्षेत नशीबाचा आहे मोठा हाथ,
काय करणार मुला झार दिला नाही त्या दिवशी साथ?

सी-मेहनतीत कमी पडतात ते असतात नशीबाला दोष देणारे
उद्या आयुष्यात प्रोब्लेम्स "Date and Time"देऊन येणारे ?

बो-भाषा  येत नसली तर पुढे कसा जाणार?
आपले विचार मांडण्यात तो  नाही का हरणार?

सी-तुझ्हा examiners ना येत नाही काही असा लागलाय आरोप,
गावात पेपर नाही ना जाणार विचाराने मुलांची उडते झोप
Computerized checking ने या सर्व चुका टाळतात,
माझ्या मुळेच किती क्लास्सेस चे धंदे चालतात
                आपल्या दोघांचा बोलण्यात आहे तसे तथ्य,
                         आपले हे भांडण आहे व्यर्थ,
                                सगळ्या मुलांना रडवून ते दोघा मात्र  हसले,
                                         त्यांचा एक मे ओर एक तू मध्ये सगळे मात्र फसले!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dont write me off just yet

I look at the doctor with questions in my eyes,
I want the truth for once,is it time for goodbyes?

Friends and Family all huddled around my bed,
Grief etched on their faces to see where fate has led!

The usual well-rehearsed lines “everything will be okay”,
I wish they would themselves believe the things that they say.

They think I dont see the tears they push away,
Words fail me;I nod and sigh keeping emotions at bay.

For if the tears start now,I know they’ll never stop,
I’ll lose the strength  I’ve gathered with every passing drop.

Their names I barely remember,here at my beck ‘n’ call,
I want to live;Give me a chance to thank them all.

There is a secret i want them to know,
Its just not my time to go..

I stare into the immeasusable darkness all throughout the night,
Afraid to close my eyes,afraid I’ll never see the light.

I look at the stars;they are beautiful tonight
But I cant join them yet;i still got to fight.

I would never ask for someone’s help;always thought it was beneath me
Someone elses blood flows through my veins,i smile at the irony.

To a selfless deed,so pure and sublime
I owe my every breath,I’m on borrowed time.

The thought makes me feel warm,like there's someone who cares,
Grant me my life today so i can grant someone theirs.

Images of my life flash before my eyes,
I’ve never lived a moment,just a bunch of lies.

I started off as me then somehow lost my way,
Went with the crowd not where my heart lay!

The past is already sold,the future's on rent
Theres something i want from you,gift me the PRESENT!

Never believed in miracles,please prove me wrong
Theres gotto be some hope,I’m still hanging on.

I’m tired of pretending,just want to be me,
Give me a chance to become what I was meant to be!

My purpose remains unfulfilled,You’ve just gotto wait
For then i promise I’ll gladly embrace my fate!

I’ll make it worthwhile let my fate manuveur,
The show’s not over yet,Dont let the curtains lower!

Even as i go i want to be a beautiful sunset,