Saturday, August 15, 2015

The time-traveller's wife

Oh,did you hear of the strife?
She told me herself,the time traveller's wife.
Their connection strong,but such was fate,
A counsellor was called to abate.

She said when he travelled to the past,
She felt it wasn't going to last.
For he'd return weary with heavy bags,
She's brace herself for his jetlags.

And god forbid when the future called,
She'd never want to get involved.
For she wasn't one for roller-coaster rides,
But he thought a good wife always abides,

He'd race ahead,expect her to cope,
She'd beat herself up to sit and mope.
And when he called,she wouldn't put up a fight,
But braved herself for turbulence in flight.

He took her away to show how things could be,
She filled with melancholy,only wanted to flee.
And when they flew to time long gone,
She'd wonder how they'd ever moved on.

His future riddles gave her such stress,
She's burn and burn and live less and less.
When he skipped off,she'd take the blows,
But he asked,isn't marriage about the highs and lows?

It wasn't the case that he cared not,
and hence a counsellor was sought.
He who suggested he give her the PRESENT,
What the MIND can give and the HEART won't resent.


  1. What a coincidence, I just saw the movie yesterday. The book is amazing as well.
    Just a little error, you've written 'she's' instead of 'she'd' in a couple of places.
    The rest of it is wonderful.

    1. Oops.I'll correct that.
      Thankyou for the feedback :) I haven't read the book yet but I'll try to get my hands on it :)

  2. Really ingenious idea...!!!
    Love the way mind and heart have been correlated to time traveller and wife...!!

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