Saturday, January 2, 2016

Who's Network-king ? (where T is TCP Transmission Control Protocol and U is User Datagram protocol)


OSI layer 5 held it's annual election,
Which teacher had made the best connection?
Packets and packets they reviewed feedback,
To crown network-king of the protocol stack.

T's students said T was very reliable,
A luxury U thought wasn't truly viable.
His students said he went too fast,
and made no connection beyond class to last.

U's kids said he goes on and on,
to the disordered mind all was gone.
Some complained T was too slow,
but things were better understood in flow.

T really cared if his students understand,
every student raises an acknowledging hand.
An orderly fellow,he checks their errors,
but his bigheadedness gave the network terrors.
(Header of TCP is 20 bytes while size of UDP header is 8 bytes)

U keeps switching,he's always on call,
who believes good things come in packets small.
A man of hi-fives ,handshakes long past,
Making the best effort,isn't one to broadcast.

Traffic and congestion,there was a huge turnout,
As everyone wondered for whom to route.
IP then intervened, aren't we all a team ?
Each one a master of his own stream.