Friday, October 2, 2015

From wall-clocks to alarm clocks to alarm watches Is the world going Clocks-wise ?

Walls were built to withstand time,
Welcoming the future with a merry chime.
Helping hands that sweep their way,
Reminding;either side time can sway.

The age such,we looked up to time,
Today the prodigal of us spend like a dime.
Life today all a number game,
Are the rich and the poor's time worth the same?

The alarm clocks keep vigil as you sleep,
For aren't they the ones with promises to keep?
The alarming signs of a passing deadline,
The gullible pushing buttons seemingly benign.

Taking seconds helping,losing gold,
Young blood's turning prematurely old;
Work winning over dreams,a nine to five,
When we could get there faster,we lost the drive.

And as we wore time on our hands,
telling pasts and futures of distant lands;
The cuckoo flew off without strife,
To wake up someone who doesn't sleepwalk through life.

The hi-tech watches,today oh-so-smart 
Shedding light on time,it can stop to start;
But to its wake-up calls we've failed to rise,
Is the world going clocks-wise or anticlocks-wise?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely representation of the concept...
