Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Family Function - A get-together of some programming languages

To these functions you see,you’re invited by reference,
where every paradigm with style competes for reverence.
Families of languages they meet up every while,
A social protocol such,languages had to compile ;)

C’s the older member,but still in good structure,
always vary of his descendant’s objectifying nature.
C++ he solves, the real problems of the masses,
and bridging the gaps between the seeming classes.

Mr and Mrs Java ,spoke the language of the generation,
felt no sense of belonging,with their constant relocation.
Their daughter scorned,a future without a pointer cue,
for she wasn't allowed to inherit from parents two.//Multiple inheritance not allowed in java

Their daughter married off with XML apptly,
who’s cousin HTML played tag “You’re IT” ;)//Information Technology
Judging by looks these two, data they represent,
never worrying about work,they’d always be content ;)

Exceptional handling by Cpp as the function goes on,
when he see’s the hashing python, ++ forlorn.
Python’s into imports; he’s new in the business market,
his face easy to read,he’s not conforming to a bracket.

You know these family functions,they're oh so syn-taxing,
the constant translations,the conversations get vexing.
They pretend to know all,are subject to interpretation,
Once home,their own IDE calls for their attention.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Number Games

Decimal:    Your honour,today we must insist,
                 Punish the traitor in our midst .
                 One of us,they've gone on to start ,
                 Their own system,bases apart.

Binary  :     My lord,zero they called an unnatural one,
                 One too many thought he'd amount to none.
                 When placed higher,one's proved true,
                 The added advantage of the power of two.

Decimal:     True to our name,we sat to mull,
                  has our bigger base come to amount to null?
                  The remaining 8,don't we also amount ?
                  We ask,how can anyone upon you count ?

 Binary :     Lost among many,we made them a hero,
                 Isn't life about being the one or a zero ?
                 The need of the  hour with the IT scene,
                 when people talk more with a machine.

Decimal:    Put one and one together and there's one to carry,
                 No sign of negative numbers in their system binary.
                 In a world so grey,they're black and white ,
                 Have they bit off more than they can byte?
Binary :     In a world  today where values are dying,
                Hanging on a string,every bit we're trying.
                We teach a lesson that in life holds true,
                Even negatives are complementary two.

Judge :    After contemplating and hearing your case,
               And  even with all  the problems you face,
               I'll ask a question to show you your place,
               Without each other can you write your own base ?

Friday, October 2, 2015

From wall-clocks to alarm clocks to alarm watches Is the world going Clocks-wise ?

Walls were built to withstand time,
Welcoming the future with a merry chime.
Helping hands that sweep their way,
Reminding;either side time can sway.

The age such,we looked up to time,
Today the prodigal of us spend like a dime.
Life today all a number game,
Are the rich and the poor's time worth the same?

The alarm clocks keep vigil as you sleep,
For aren't they the ones with promises to keep?
The alarming signs of a passing deadline,
The gullible pushing buttons seemingly benign.

Taking seconds helping,losing gold,
Young blood's turning prematurely old;
Work winning over dreams,a nine to five,
When we could get there faster,we lost the drive.

And as we wore time on our hands,
telling pasts and futures of distant lands;
The cuckoo flew off without strife,
To wake up someone who doesn't sleepwalk through life.

The hi-tech watches,today oh-so-smart 
Shedding light on time,it can stop to start;
But to its wake-up calls we've failed to rise,
Is the world going clocks-wise or anticlocks-wise?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Killing Time

Afternoon siesta,a little after four,
I woke up to a knock on my door.
Too busy to care who it would be,
I opened to find him staring at me.

He barged in as if my room was his,
just when I thought something's amiss,
He bellowed "Miss,You're under arrest"
I scowled,"Oh i have no time for this jest".

But when he took out those cuffs,
My mind whirred for some rebuffs;
"Surely Sir there's been a mistake,
For i don't have the time for even rules to break".

I thought long hard for what I'd messed,
"Pray tell me what charges are pressed".
"Such audacity" he says,"You ask about your crime!
Ofcourse you're guilty of killing time !"

"Hands where I can see them" angrily he says,
my smartphone falls;open Facebook stares.
"That's one of the culprits" he says visibly riled,
"I have them all here,neatly filed".

Youtube videos of cute babies and cats,
Insta updates,stories snapchats.
"Oh what must I wear today?"
"If he says that,would could I say ?"
Strong connections with something remote,
Long late night chats to emote.
Songs to hatred that you repeat,
Group chats that make plans to meet.
The whatsapp statuses to show creativity,
Likes and shares,your Facebook activity.
Filter choice,a matching caption,
"Why did Zahn leave one direction ?"
A good selfie,a better edit,
Fan fiction on Tumblr and Reddit.
The three accounts you check for mail,
"I don't need that but there's a sale".
"Hey come back your clan needs a leader",
That book you read thrice,you avid reader.

I begged "Oh you can stop I got the gist,
I must say that's quite the list".
And as I was filled with such dread,
I joined my hands and pleaded.

He felt sorry,gave me some time,
said "Waste not Miss,your age is prime".
I'll start from tomorrow,why waste today,
I must tweet about this right away !

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Which is the best data structure of them all ?

 The compilers came when they were called,
 for a reference had to be resolved.
 A committee was formed for them to find,
 which data structure was one of a kind.

 The array they thought a "homo-genius" hero,
 Array-Bhatta himself knew the importance of zero.
 But after his 'continuous demands' to them it dawned,
 When they give him more space,they'd be conned.

 The linked list's head was in the right place,
 But a clumsy fellow who took any available space.
 Leaving directions for them to mull,
 They asked "What's the point if it all points to null?"

 My toppers come last says weird Mr stack,
 What if he pops our bubble and gives us back?
 To push it on him they felt loath,
 they thought,"is having no priorities ever growth?"

 The uprooted trees in a world so sparse,
 They play games,decide and our words they parse.
 For work-life balance it often grieves,
 and does bottom's up when child leaves.

 The sorted heap says it makes no waste,
 But they felt decisions aren't made in haste.
 Queue points it's index finger,data's easy to find,
 but he puts down what's on top of their mind.

 They scratched their heads to devise a test,
 to find which data structure was the best.
 At last they decided they're all at par,
 for all of them are born under the star (* )

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The time-traveller's wife

Oh,did you hear of the strife?
She told me herself,the time traveller's wife.
Their connection strong,but such was fate,
A counsellor was called to abate.

She said when he travelled to the past,
She felt it wasn't going to last.
For he'd return weary with heavy bags,
She's brace herself for his jetlags.

And god forbid when the future called,
She'd never want to get involved.
For she wasn't one for roller-coaster rides,
But he thought a good wife always abides,

He'd race ahead,expect her to cope,
She'd beat herself up to sit and mope.
And when he called,she wouldn't put up a fight,
But braved herself for turbulence in flight.

He took her away to show how things could be,
She filled with melancholy,only wanted to flee.
And when they flew to time long gone,
She'd wonder how they'd ever moved on.

His future riddles gave her such stress,
She's burn and burn and live less and less.
When he skipped off,she'd take the blows,
But he asked,isn't marriage about the highs and lows?

It wasn't the case that he cared not,
and hence a counsellor was sought.
He who suggested he give her the PRESENT,
What the MIND can give and the HEART won't resent.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Piano

A musician at heart,he saw the world in black and white,
Propped against the wall,she made a stunning sight.

What had fate orchestrated,he couldn't stay apart,
For how did she know the melodies of his heart ?

She sighed and moaned at his softest touch,
On her cold skin,his nimble finger's dance was such.

Her heartbeats and his melody,a song came to synthesise,
Building bridges to harmony as tones would rise.

He put his foot down,he wanted this to sustain,
Trebles on his mind,put on the line by pain.

His one true accompanist,instrumental in his success,
Without her a staccato act,the world had failed to impress.

He hit the right notes,they had struck a chord,
A prelude to a union ,the world stopped to applaud.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

If i were a TECHMAX(Engineering publication) how would you read me ?An Engineer's take on Lang Leav's "If you were an artist how would you paint me ?"(15 mins)

If I were a TECHMAX how would you read me ?
Would you shoot me a glance or in my depths see ?

Would you see my marks and drive away ?
Would you believe my promises to stay ?

Would you stay up all night to learn me ?
Would you change me anyhow or let me be ?

In testing times would you hold me in your arms ?
Would you come back to me at the sound of alarms?

Would you take what you need or take time to discover?
Would you be a one night stand or a passionate lover ?

Would you know my essence or judge me by a number?
Would you dream about losing me when in deep slumber?

Would you really fall for my "pick up" lines ?
Would you defend my honour when the world whines?

Would all of you do all of me ?
Would you find me imposing and set yourself free?

Would you write me little notes so you'll never forget?
Would you always "refer" to the standards the world's set?

Friday, April 17, 2015

External Examiners cut marks.So now we've got bad blood !Here are some tips to get through engineering vivas.

1. When you're nervous,shake it off.

2. Whatever you say,be confident I guess.

3. When you're asked what you did in lab all year,looking at the Internal Examiner would be lack of foresight.Lie back to back if you don't want to lie back.

4. When they yell at you when they're hungry,make a mental note to apologise to your mom and best friend.

5. Don't lose your hair over it.You might just be saved by a hair's breadth.

6. If they ask you "Are you sure?" more than thrice there might be a teeny tiny chance that you're wrong.

7. You've been under a lot of pressure lately.Go pee first.

8. When the questions get harder, turn to the internal for soft spots.

9. Don't eat too much before the exam or you'll stuff it up.There is too much to digest anyways.

10. When you don't get a question,say "pass" but do add a "please" before it.

11. FAQT:Remember,anything that can be asked will be asked. 

12. When none of your friends are understanding it,dis-cuss it.

13. Do not under any circumstances give the external your file.

  • Hold it tight.Say you have a firm grasp over it.
  • Sit on it.Say if you want it I'll have to sleep over it.
14. If you overslept and didn't read the file,nothing will ring a bell.

15. In the long drawn silences,ask yourself important questions like "Why I am here?".Pretend to contemplate these too.

16. Do not pray aloud that you shouldn't be asked a particular question.They're taking notes.

17. When you leave the examination hall,enjoy your five minutes of spotlight as you put everyone in a spot.No-one is going to care about you again.

18. You will always know the answer to everyone else's questions.Well,say that anyways.Who's checking ?

19.  Trick question:If there are three people in the room and 2 of them are laughing ,who's the joke on?Observe the intricate detailing of the flooring.

20. Understand ,the word viva didn't originate from vivacious for a reason.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Roommate. A poem on battling depression.(Written for a Competition in a time-limit of 1 hour)

On an endless winter night as in the cold I lay,
A stranger at my doorstep,begging for a place to stay.

Dressed in blue,her pale glassy eyes shone,
How did she know I lived here alone?

Unfolding the blanket of time,her tiny legs she spread,
Melancholy of my soul exposed,filling me with dread.

I fed her fears,my dreams she starved,
My skin a canvas for the scars she carved.

Dark circles under my eyes,shadows of the night,
The monster now on the bed,hiding in plain sight.

Her thoughts so dark,off the edge they would wander,
Should we end it on a high?We would often ponder.

We met in secret,between her shadow and  my soul.
Alone in our togetherness,will I ever again feel whole?

"Are you okay?" they ask,But they don't want to know,
In a dark place like this,what can ever grow?

She screamed out the quiet confusion of my heart,
Where do broken hearts go, I ask ,to mend and start?

She handed me a blade,beckoned me to be brave,
But I wondered,will life stand proudly at my grave ?

She'd changed me so much that I'd stopped being me,
When you're your own enemy how does one truly flee?

To welcome my future,I had to show her the door,
With every passing day,lifted my spirits off the floor.

Some days its hard,but to my hope I cling,
The day she left I realised,it had always been spring.

Monday, March 16, 2015

15 tips to get through Engineering submissions.

 1)Presentation is key.But know where to draw the line.

2)A picture is worth a thousand words.Literally.

3)The people at the printer seem nice.Go make new friends.

4)Inspiration is meant to be drawn.Give your younger siblings a chance to hone their drawing skills.

5)If you've been in Ma'am's good books all year,take it as a "sign".

6)"Playlist" is a valid measure of work left.
    A:Hey,How much more are you left with?
    B:About 2 more playlists to go!

7)Never ever ever question the "source" of the code.

8)Write on.These marks are in your hands.Lend a free hand because you can't afford to keep statione(a)ry.

9)When in doubt,pack a punch and get it together.

10)When you can't control what you see,
       just Control + C.

11)Studies show that excess writing may result in your handwriting starting to resemble your Mother's/Sister's or girlfriend's.Crazy right?

12)If assignments go out of date,blind date them.

13)Stay away from the following kinds of people.
     The Greyjoys - We do not show.
     The Lannisters-Hear me score !
     The Baratheons-Ours is the jury.
     The Starks -Printer isn't  Coming.

14)File Seekers think Finders Keepers.
    Keep an "I" over your file.Make your files report to you and mark Journal entries and exits.

15)Don't worry.You have left your mark(s).
     This too shall pass.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

TRASH TALKS. (A poem shaming the litterbugs that are making this country the monster dump its turning out to be.It aims to Guilt trip The Great Indian Litterbug into picking up the pieces they have left behind.Written for -The Great Indian (Times of India)

It's not your job is it ?to see Cleansweep Modi's campaign through,
You see right through the dump;for what's the point without a camera crew ?
'Incredible India' you post online ,your own street a "breathstopping" sight ,
You walk past with your nose high ,how's it your problem no one treats sewage right ?
"Global warming" presentations you'd made as a kid,straight A never been so easy to get,
With an "A" against your name now,haven't you warmed up to your globe yet?
Three hours too much to ask ,"3R"s only learnt to name ,
Weren't  the circular arrows in the diagram teaching you whom to blame ?
The walls still holding up after you got them cornered ,
The spitting image of your nation must surely leave you honoured .
Why shouldn't you piss off right there ?Ofcourse u-r-innate ,
To-let go seems like a good idea no?if u-r-ine trouble mate.
The village folk take a monster dump,you take a dig at their big revelation,
For obviously this is what we want to leave behind to our next generation.
Clean foreign lands you visit,your heart swells with pride ,
Atleast go green with envy seeing the greener grass on the other side.
Doesn't someone magically take away the food remains ?that's one advertising flaw,
Too early you think ?when the water's all down it'll be the last straw.
It isn't in your "nature" to revert to "pick up" lines ,
With closed eyes we'll believe this once ,you just didn't see the signs.
All that's littered could be gold we're telling you it's true ,
Let's find its rightful place;the garbage can, can you ?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

UNIT-Y A debate between the different scientific units.

Sir-Cuit please tell us,the units pleaded,who's the best of us all,
As the fight entered newer dimensions,a committee was formed to take a call.

KELVIN overshadowed by Celcius,for he didn't have a degree,
An absolute zero they called him,his international standards they failed to see.

DECIBEL was a sound fellow in limits,they still lived in fear,
For when he got too loud they lent him a deaf ear.

WATT's the man they said ,he's the one to make ,
But the responsibilities that came with him were too much to take.

JOULE's a sprightly fellow,But they didn't know where he'd come from,
How can we destroy them later they wondered,if he ever changed his form.

AMPERE was electrifying;But selfish,she was all about the "I",
In the flow if she forgot ground rules,in shock they'd all cry.

NEWTON was a push around;he'd never let them be idle that rascal,
When given his one space,he'd start behaving like Pascal

Love of direct proportions ,VOLT loved AMPERE with Persistence,
When he tried to get over her,they were met with RESISTANCE.

A reflection of his brother ,MHO could conduct himself well,
Can HERTZ deal with the highs and lows,only time will tell.

FARAD could be in charge for he had shown some capacity,
HENRY opposed current changes ,but had a magnetic personality.

Sir-Cuit :Your values lie before you,so much you've come to symbolise,
              Isn't unity made of "UNIT",above this hate you should rise.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sky Full Of Stars - A poem constructed from Coldplay song titles.

She gazes at the stars, CHRISTMAS LIGHTS adorn the sky,
SPARKS of the twinkle,or was it her teary eye ?

LOST among millions,her wish on a shooting star,
WHAT IF it never reached?Had she dreamed that far?

THE HARDEST PART she asks her stars,where does my heart lay?
Give me A MESSAGE;Am I a part of a fixed constellation?Am I to lead the way ?

What would you do Oh stars if you were IN MY PLACE?
UP IN FLAMES do i burn like you to create my own space?
HURTS LIKE HEAVEN stars say,the wars you wage,the hearts you wreck,
What are lines on the ATLAS?For all of you are the same speck.

No time to lay back and look to us,so governed by the CLOCKS,
How long has it been we ask since we last had "THE TALK"s?

EVERY TEARDROP IS A WATERFALL,as you leave your inhibitions aside,
MAGIC of our light is such,it reflects what's hidden inside.

TROUBLE is my dear,around you you think the world revolves,
FIX YOU;For we know the worst shall pass and the best evolves.

A WHISPER on your lips , you ask where your heart lies,
Count us as your blessings ;therein lies your PARADISE.

As MIDNIGHT long passes we will leave you in a blink,
Why don't you write what we told you in paper and INK?
And it was all YELLOW as rose THE SLEEPING SUN ,
DAYLIGHT falls on her eyelids,but the dream not forgotten.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A friend said - "Meh.Chairs?What can one write on chairs?" The chairs might have taken a little offence that humans don't find them worth writing about.Here's what they are saying to us.(Written as a fun challenge in 45 mins )

For thrones there were such,that wars were fought,
Ruler's seats tainted,today so easily bought.

The bar stools got high,had a little too neat,
But why were they expected to stand on their own feet?

The techie's chair was spinning ,he wanted to go places,
and the college ones paid for,for filling blank spaces.

Patients tested for diabetes,the occasional heart attack,
And we chairs get the blame for being laid back.

The movie ones turned pricey,you gave them fancy covers,
And when the show's up in front,you made us 'handle' lovers.

The flighty and fancy,you put them into planes,
And gave our new generation 'berths' to the humble trains!

Commode's under a lot of pressure,he's taking shit in his stride,
And you mock him still,when he swallowed up his pride.

To ponder upon the universe , you made the rocking chair,
and put the creaky ones in horror movies to give yourself nightmares!

You looked down upon us,like we were mere tools,
Laid your butts upon us,even called us 'stools'.

Cut us some slack,you'll warm up to your seat,
Well you're gonna need us,till you can stand on your own two feet.