Thursday, August 15, 2013

Apology by Lord Voldemort

Wizards witches and muggles of the world,
As I sit here with the fires of hell raging around me,I have something to say to you.
Just kidding..(makes weird hissing sound that passes as laughter)
You see,here in hell I have had some time to think,a LOT of time actually as unfortunately my usual pastimes of murdering and torturing people have been temporarily put on hold due to the fact that I have been killed by none other than the 'Boy who lived' *sighs* Expelliarmus Harry Potter?Honestly?Well,if it wasn't for that "elder"…*takes a deep breath from his um mouth and exhales from his um mouth"…
Never Mind that now.I have done a lot of soul searching with whatever was left of it anyway after I horrifically divided it into 7 parts but anyways,I have come to the conclusion that I have been completely totally irrevocably wrong..
It is a different matter altogether that it took a war,the death of thousands of innocent people and ultimately my own death to come to this conclusion but well I am um..SOR.tof…SORely..SORrowfully..SOR..oh cmon i was and am SORdid and *gathers courage to utter the unthinkable" SORRY
*shrugs* This was probably not the best way to go about this..He who must not be named just said "the what must not be said"(page 777 Death Eaters guide to devastation,destruction,devilry)The dark mark still remains,a living proof of my past(.It was so much better than the kid' moved !!)
I can see your gaping mouths and hear your hushed whispers.cmon these ears are made for parseltongue.yes,I the Dark lord m really apologising theres quite a list.
You see I really and truly regret what i have done..i was hungry and full of greed.Not for money you (K) nuts,but for power.I have always maintained that there is no good or evil.There is only power and those too weak to seek it.
But see,this is where i went wrong.In my quest for power I became a different person (apparently there is something called a nose,well who nose?"
There is something far greater than power and that is LOVE.somewhere Dumbledore is smiling.I underestimated the power of this one emotion and that led to my downfall..And of course the fact that I was an arrogant,power-hungry psychopath didn't help.I was an orphan and I had a difficult childhood.I could control people at will( so creepy)led to my bigheadedness.If i knew Dumby was going to turn my past into some weekly entertainment show i would have probably behaved.*sigh* Right from childhood I knew I was special and that I was destined to be great and once I realised that there was no looking back.I considered myself to be well above others that this clouded over any little sense there was and i fell prey to my own inflated ego.But then just like the prophecy little harry potter came into my world and burst my bubble.
note to self :Do not underestimate whiney babies.
His life was a symbol of love,his mother's love and her sacrifice to keep him alive..(so there is mother's "love" and "love" between friends and Dumbledore's um different "love"..but its all still "love"..M still kinda new to this)
As I was too busy murdering people I didn't really stop and think about these things.I had skill on my side and he had the power of love and that outweighed the former.Sometimes I feel like weeping but then a weeping Voldemort would be scarier than a ruthless one.I wish I could go back in time and change what I did but then you can't find time turners just when you need them.So now i am repenting.But you have to give this to me,If there was no Voldemort then there would have been no Harry Potter.There would be no "boy who lived" the symbol of hope and courage and all the other good things I am currently unfamiliar with.Every hero needs a villain to make him one..every story needs a bad guy and I was more than happy to be that person.But i pray to you now to forgive me now and I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart(whether I have one or not is debatable) .I hope for your forgiveness ,of course the fact that my free use of unforgivable curses might somehow work against me.but then again I am Voldemort,what do I know about normal people?

NIdhi and Neha Javalagi :)

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