Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Piano

A musician at heart,he saw the world in black and white,
Propped against the wall,she made a stunning sight.

What had fate orchestrated,he couldn't stay apart,
For how did she know the melodies of his heart ?

She sighed and moaned at his softest touch,
On her cold skin,his nimble finger's dance was such.

Her heartbeats and his melody,a song came to synthesise,
Building bridges to harmony as tones would rise.

He put his foot down,he wanted this to sustain,
Trebles on his mind,put on the line by pain.

His one true accompanist,instrumental in his success,
Without her a staccato act,the world had failed to impress.

He hit the right notes,they had struck a chord,
A prelude to a union ,the world stopped to applaud.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

If i were a TECHMAX(Engineering publication) how would you read me ?An Engineer's take on Lang Leav's "If you were an artist how would you paint me ?"(15 mins)

If I were a TECHMAX how would you read me ?
Would you shoot me a glance or in my depths see ?

Would you see my marks and drive away ?
Would you believe my promises to stay ?

Would you stay up all night to learn me ?
Would you change me anyhow or let me be ?

In testing times would you hold me in your arms ?
Would you come back to me at the sound of alarms?

Would you take what you need or take time to discover?
Would you be a one night stand or a passionate lover ?

Would you know my essence or judge me by a number?
Would you dream about losing me when in deep slumber?

Would you really fall for my "pick up" lines ?
Would you defend my honour when the world whines?

Would all of you do all of me ?
Would you find me imposing and set yourself free?

Would you write me little notes so you'll never forget?
Would you always "refer" to the standards the world's set?